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System Tray

Native application system tray.


Configure the systemTray object on tauri.conf.json:

  "tauri": {
    "systemTray": {
      "iconPath": "icons/icon.png",
      "iconAsTemplate": true,

The iconPath is pointed to a PNG file on macOS and Linux, and a .ico file must exist for Windows support.

The iconAsTemplate is a boolean value that determines whether the image represents a template image on macOS.

Creating a system tray#

To create a native system tray, import the SystemTray type:

use tauri::SystemTray;

Initialize a new tray instance:

let tray = SystemTray::new();

Configuring a system tray context menu#

Optionally you can add a context menu that is visible when the tray icon is right clicked. Import the SystemTrayMenu, SystemTrayMenuItem and CustomMenuItem types:

use tauri::{CustomMenuItem, SystemTrayMenu, SystemTrayMenuItem};

Create the SystemTrayMenu:

// here `"quit".to_string()` defines the menu item id, and the second parameter is the menu item label.
let quit = CustomMenuItem::new("quit".to_string(), "Quit");
let hide = CustomMenuItem::new("hide".to_string(), "Hide");
let tray_menu = SystemTrayMenu::new()

Add the tray menu to the SystemTray instance:

let tray = SystemTray::new().with_menu(tray_menu);

Configure the app system tray#

The created SystemTray instance can be set using the system_tray API on the tauri::Builder struct:

use tauri::{CustomMenuItem, SystemTray, SystemTrayMenu};

fn main() {
  let tray_menu = SystemTrayMenu::new(); // insert the menu items here
  let system_tray = SystemTray::new()
    .expect("error while running tauri application");

Listening to system tray events#

Each CustomMenuItem triggers an event when clicked. Also, Tauri emits tray icon click events. Use the on_system_tray_event API to handle them:

use tauri::{CustomMenuItem, SystemTray, SystemTrayMenu};
use tauri::Manager;

fn main() {
  let tray_menu = SystemTrayMenu::new(); // insert the menu items here
    .on_system_tray_event(|app, event| match event {
      SystemTrayEvent::LeftClick {
        position: _,
        size: _,
      } => {
        println!("system tray received a left click");
      SystemTrayEvent::RightClick {
        position: _,
        size: _,
      } => {
        println!("system tray received a right click");
      SystemTrayEvent::DoubleClick {
        position: _,
        size: _,
      } => {
        println!("system tray received a double click");
      SystemTrayEvent::MenuItemClick { id, .. } => {
        match id.as_str() {
          "quit" => {
          "hide" => {
            let window = app.get_window("main").unwrap();
          _ => {}
      _ => {}
    .expect("error while running tauri application");

Updating system tray#

The AppHandle struct has a tray_handle method, which returns a handle to the system tray allowing updating tray icon and context menu items:

Updating context menu items#

use tauri::{CustomMenuItem, SystemTray, SystemTrayMenu};
use tauri::Manager;

fn main() {
  let tray_menu = SystemTrayMenu::new(); // insert the menu items here
    .on_system_tray_event(|app, event| match event {
      SystemTrayEvent::MenuItemClick { id, .. } => {
        // get a handle to the clicked menu item
        // note that `tray_handle` can be called anywhere,
        // just get a `AppHandle` instance with `app.handle()` on the setup hook
        // and move it to another function or thread
        let item_handle = app.tray_handle().get_item(&id);
        match id.as_str() {
          "hide" => {
            let window = app.get_window("main").unwrap();
            // you can also `set_selected`, `set_enabled` and `set_native_image` (macOS only).
          _ => {}
      _ => {}
    .expect("error while running tauri application");

Updating tray icon#

Note that tauri::Icon must be a Path variant on Linux, and Raw variant on Windows and macOS.
