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Sidecar (Embedding External Binaries)

You may need to embed depending binaries in order to make your application work or to prevent users having to install additional dependencies (e.g. Node.js, Python, etc).

To bundle the binaries of your choice, you can add the externalBin property to the tauri > bundle object in your tauri.conf.json.

See more about tauri.conf.json configuration here.

externalBin expects a list of strings targeting binaries either with absolute or relative paths.

Here is a sample to illustrate the configuration, this is not a complete tauri.conf.json file:

  "tauri": {
    "bundle": {
      "externalBin": ["/absolute/path/to/app", "relative/path/to/binary", "bin/python"]

A binary with the same name and a -$TARGET_TRIPLE suffix must exist on the specified path. For instance, "externalBin": ["bin/python"] requires a src-tauri/bin/python-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu executable on Linux. You can find the current platform's target triple running the following command:

RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=1 rustc -Z unstable-options --print target-spec-json

Here's a Node.js script to append the target triple to a binary:

const execa = require('execa')
const fs = require('fs')

let extension = ''
if (process.platform === 'win32') {
  extension = '.exe'

async function main() {
  const rustInfo = (await execa('rustc', ['-vV'])).stdout
  const targetTriple = /host: (\S+)/g.exec(rustInfo)[1]
  if (!targetTriple) {
    console.error('Failed to determine platform target triple')

main().catch((e) => {
  throw e

Running the sidecar binary on JavaScript#

On the JavaScript code, import the Command class on the shell module and use the sidecar static method:

import { Command } from '@tauri-apps/api/shell'
// alternatively, use ``
// `my-sidecar` is the value specified on `tauri.conf.json > tauri > bundle > externalBin`
const command = Command.sidecar('my-sidecar')
const output = await command.execute()

Running the sidecar binary on Rust#

On the Rust code, import the Command struct from the tauri::api::process module:

let (mut rx, mut child) = Command::new_sidecar("my-sidecar")
  .expect("failed to create `my-sidecar` binary command")
  .expect("Failed to spawn sidecar");

tauri::async_runtime::spawn(async move {
  // read events such as stdout
  while let Some(event) = rx.recv().await {
    if let CommandEvent::Stdout(line) = event {
        .emit("message", Some(format!("'{}'", line)))
        .expect("failed to emit event");
      // write to stdin
      child.write("message from Rust\n".as_bytes()).unwrap();

Using Node.js on a sidecar#

The Tauri sidecar example demonstrates how to use the sidecar API to run a Node.js application on Tauri. It compiles the Node.js code using pkg and uses the scripts above to run it.