All benchmarks run on Github Actions on ubuntu-latest
matrix. We measure various metrics of the following applications:
- tauri_cpu_intensive
- tauri_hello_world
- tauri_3mb_transfer
- wry_cpu_intensive
- wry_hello_world
- wry_custom_protocol
- electron_cpu_intensive
- electron_hello_world
- electron_3mb_transfer
The CPU intensive benchmark measures how much time it takes to calculate all the prime numbers under XXXX without blocking the UI and reporting how many have been found so far using web workers.
Execution Time
This shows how much time total it takes intialize the application and wait the
event. We use hyperfine under the hood and run 3 warm-up sequence then, we run 10 sequences to calculate the average execution time.Binary Size
We track the size of various files here. All binaries are compiled in release mode.
Memory Usage
We use mprof to get the max memory usage during execution. Smaller is better.
Thread Count
How many threads the application use. Smaller is better.
Syscall Count
How many total syscalls are performed when executing a given application. Smaller is better.