如何使用 NestJs 创建分页、可排序和可过滤的接口

Posted on:2023-09-1 19:00
9 min read
    解决方案 笔记Node.jsNest.js

分页、排序和过滤是用于处理 API 返回的大型数据集的常用技术,例如在列出端点时。它们对于优化性能、改善用户体验和减少服务器(以及客户端)负载至关重要。在深入研究一些 NestJs 代码之前,让我们简要讨论一下这个概念。



假设您的数据库上有一个城市表。例如,巴西有超过 5.500 个城市。每次用户调用它时都返回所有这些是不合理的。相反,我们可以一次发送 20 个,并相应地渲染它们(例如表或下拉列表)负责请求正确的数据。






ID      | NAME              | STATE_ID
1       | São Paulo         | 1
2       | Santos            | 1
3       | Campinas          | 1
4       | Rio de Janeiro    | 2
5       | Niterói           | 2
6       | Belo Horizonte    | 3
7       | Brasília          | 4
8       | Curitiba          | 5
9       | Porto Alegre      | 6
10      | Florianópolis     | 






第一个装饰器负责从 HTTP 请求查询字符串中提取和验证分页参数。

import { BadRequestException, createParamDecorator, ExecutionContext } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Request } from 'express';

export interface Pagination {
    page: number;
    limit: number;
    size: number;
    offset: number;

export const PaginationParams = createParamDecorator((data, ctx: ExecutionContext): Pagination => {
    const req: Request = ctx.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    const page = parseInt(req.query.page as string);
    const size = parseInt(req.query.size as string);

    // check if page and size are valid
    if (isNaN(page) || page < 0 || isNaN(size) || size < 0) {
        throw new BadRequestException('Invalid pagination params');
    // do not allow to fetch large slices of the dataset
    if (size > 100) {
        throw new BadRequestException('Invalid pagination params: Max size is 100');

    // calculate pagination parameters
    const limit = size;
    const offset = page * limit;
    return { page, limit, size, offset };



负责将格式 paramName:direction 的查询参数解析为对象,验证方向和参数是否有效。是 direction asc 和 desc 的有效值,有效参数是控制器发送的字符串数组。

import { BadRequestException, createParamDecorator, ExecutionContext } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Request } from 'express';

export interface Sorting {
    property: string;
    direction: string;

export const SortingParams = createParamDecorator((validParams, ctx: ExecutionContext): Sorting => {
    const req: Request = ctx.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    const sort = req.query.sort as string;
    if (!sort) return null;
    // check if the valid params sent is an array
    if (typeof validParams != 'object') throw new BadRequestException('Invalid sort parameter');

    // check the format of the sort query param
    const sortPattern = /^([a-zA-Z0-9]+):(asc|desc)$/;
    if (!sort.match(sortPattern)) throw new BadRequestException('Invalid sort parameter');

    // extract the property name and direction and check if they are valid
    const [property, direction] = sort.split(':');
    if (!validParams.includes(property)) throw new BadRequestException(`Invalid sort property: ${property}`);

    return { property, direction };


这个装饰器负责解析格式的过滤参数(在本例中,我们一次只能过滤一列), paramName:rule:value 。

import { BadRequestException, createParamDecorator, ExecutionContext } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Request } from 'express';

export interface Filtering {
    property: string;
    rule: string;
    value: string;

// valid filter rules
export enum FilterRule {
    EQUALS = 'eq',
    NOT_EQUALS = 'neq',
    GREATER_THAN = 'gt',
    LESS_THAN = 'lt',
    LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS = 'lte',
    LIKE = 'like',
    NOT_LIKE = 'nlike',
    IN = 'in',
    NOT_IN = 'nin',
    IS_NULL = 'isnull',
    IS_NOT_NULL = 'isnotnull',

export const FilteringParams = createParamDecorator((data, ctx: ExecutionContext): Filtering => {
    const req: Request = ctx.switchToHttp().getRequest();
    const filter = req.query.filter as string;
    if (!filter) return null;

    // check if the valid params sent is an array
    if (typeof data != 'object') throw new BadRequestException('Invalid filter parameter');

    // validate the format of the filter, if the rule is 'isnull' or 'isnotnull' it don't need to have a value
    if (!filter.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+:(eq|neq|gt|gte|lt|lte|like|nlike|in|nin):[a-zA-Z0-9_,]+$/) && !filter.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+:(isnull|isnotnull)$/)) {
        throw new BadRequestException('Invalid filter parameter');

    // extract the parameters and validate if the rule and the property are valid
    const [property, rule, value] = filter.split(':');
    if (!data.includes(property)) throw new BadRequestException(`Invalid filter property: ${property}`);
    if (!Object.values(FilterRule).includes(rule as FilterRule)) throw new BadRequestException(`Invalid filter rule: ${rule}`);

    return { property, rule, value };

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,编写一些辅助函数来生成我们的 where 对象和订单对象,以便与 TypeORM Repository 方法一起使用。如果使用其他的ORM工具,按照对应用法修改即可。

import { IsNull, Not, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual, MoreThan, MoreThanOrEqual, ILike, In } from "typeorm";

import { Filtering } from "src/helpers/decorators/filtering-params.decorator"
import { Sorting } from "src/helpers/decorators/sorting-params.decorator";
import { FilterRule } from "src/helpers/decorators/filtering-params.decorator";

export const getOrder = (sort: Sorting) => sort ? { [sort.property]: sort.direction } : {};

export const getWhere = (filter: Filtering) => {
    if (!filter) return {};
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.IS_NULL) return { [filter.property]: IsNull() };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.IS_NOT_NULL) return { [filter.property]: Not(IsNull()) };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.EQUALS) return { [filter.property]: filter.value };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.NOT_EQUALS) return { [filter.property]: Not(filter.value) };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.GREATER_THAN) return { [filter.property]: MoreThan(filter.value) };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS) return { [filter.property]: MoreThanOrEqual(filter.value) };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.LESS_THAN) return { [filter.property]: LessThan(filter.value) };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUALS) return { [filter.property]: LessThanOrEqual(filter.value) };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.LIKE) return { [filter.property]: ILike(`%${filter.value}%`) };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.NOT_LIKE) return { [filter.property]: Not(ILike(`%${filter.value}%`)) };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.IN) return { [filter.property]: In(filter.value.split(',')) };
    if (filter.rule == FilterRule.NOT_IN) return { [filter.property]: Not(In(filter.value.split(','))) };

函数基本上基于修饰器返回的属性创建对象。例如,如果过滤器是 city:like:Campinas ,我们将得到:

    city: ILike(`%Campinas%`)

还需要一个特定的 DTO 在从分页资源返回数据时使用

export type PaginatedResource<T> = {
    totalItems: number;
    items: T[];
    page: number;
    size: number;


export class CitiesController {
    private readonly logger = new Logger(CitiesController.name);
        private readonly cityService: CityService,
    ) { }
    public async getCities(
        @PaginationParams() paginationParams: Pagination,
        @SortingParams(['name', 'id', 'stateId']) sort?: Sorting,
        @FilteringParams(['name', 'id', 'stateId']) filter?: Filtering
    ): Promise<PaginatedResource<Partial<City>>> {
        this.logger.log(`REST request to get cities: ${JSON.stringify(paginationParams)}, ${sort}, ${filter}`);
        return await this.cityService.getCities(paginationParams, sort, filter);
export class CityService {
        private readonly cityRepository: Repository<City>,
    ) { }

    public async getCities(
        { page, limit, size, offset }: Pagination,
        sort?: Sorting,
        filter?: Filtering,
    ): Promise<PaginatedResource<Partial<Language>>> {
        const where = getWhere(filter);
        const order = getOrder(sort);

        const [languages, total] = await this.cityRepository.findAndCount({
            take: limit,
            skip: offset,

        return {
            totalItems: total,
            items: languages,



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